Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
偶爾撒嬌 加點耍賴 要你關心她
熬夜不睡 即使疲倦 電話不肯掛
喜歡你陪伴塗鴉 再聽她說說傻話
輕輕的親吻臉頰 不厭其煩說愛她
偶爾霸道 因為不安 怕你不要她
假裝好強 其實委屈 眼淚等你擦
不快樂她自己藏 就算被笑是傻瓜
只想甜的像顆糖 在你胸口慢慢的融化
她或許不完美 任性的小缺點
安靜的嘟著嘴 就是想你多陪一會
她不要求完美 一杯開水也能醉
給的愛不准浪費 勾勾手不後悔
偶爾霸道 因為不安 怕你不要她
假裝好強 其實委屈 眼淚等你擦
不快樂她自己藏 就算被笑是傻瓜
只想甜的像顆糖 在你胸口慢慢的融化
她或許不完美 任性的小缺點
安靜的嘟著嘴 就是想你多陪一會
她不要求完美 一杯開水也能醉
給的愛不准浪費 勾勾手不後悔
她或許不完美 任性的小缺點
安靜的嘟著嘴 就是想你多陪一會
她不要求完美 一杯開水也能醉
給的愛不准浪費 勾勾手不後悔
給的愛不准浪費 勾勾手不後悔
熬夜不睡 即使疲倦 電話不肯掛
喜歡你陪伴塗鴉 再聽她說說傻話
輕輕的親吻臉頰 不厭其煩說愛她
偶爾霸道 因為不安 怕你不要她
假裝好強 其實委屈 眼淚等你擦
不快樂她自己藏 就算被笑是傻瓜
只想甜的像顆糖 在你胸口慢慢的融化
她或許不完美 任性的小缺點
安靜的嘟著嘴 就是想你多陪一會
她不要求完美 一杯開水也能醉
給的愛不准浪費 勾勾手不後悔
偶爾霸道 因為不安 怕你不要她
假裝好強 其實委屈 眼淚等你擦
不快樂她自己藏 就算被笑是傻瓜
只想甜的像顆糖 在你胸口慢慢的融化
她或許不完美 任性的小缺點
安靜的嘟著嘴 就是想你多陪一會
她不要求完美 一杯開水也能醉
給的愛不准浪費 勾勾手不後悔
她或許不完美 任性的小缺點
安靜的嘟著嘴 就是想你多陪一會
她不要求完美 一杯開水也能醉
給的愛不准浪費 勾勾手不後悔
給的愛不准浪費 勾勾手不後悔
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
能不能讓我 陪著妳走
即然妳說 留不住妳
回去的路 有些黑暗
擔心讓妳 一個人走
我想是因為 我不夠溫柔
不能分擔 妳的憂愁
如果這樣 說不出口
就把遺憾 放在心中
把我的悲傷 留給自己
妳的美麗 讓妳帶走
從此以後 我再沒有
把我的悲傷 留給自己
妳的美麗 讓妳帶走
可不可以 妳也會想起我
是不是可以 牽妳的手呢
從來沒有 這樣要求
怕妳難過 轉身就走
那就這樣吧 我會了解的
把我的悲傷 留給自己
妳的美麗 讓妳帶走
從此以後 我再沒有
從此以後 我在這裡
日夜等待 妳的消息
能不能讓我 陪著妳走
即然妳說 留不住妳
無論妳在 天涯海角
是不是妳 偶爾會想起我
可不可以 妳也會想起我
能不能讓我 陪著妳走
即然妳說 留不住妳
回去的路 有些黑暗
擔心讓妳 一個人走
我想是因為 我不夠溫柔
不能分擔 妳的憂愁
如果這樣 說不出口
就把遺憾 放在心中
把我的悲傷 留給自己
妳的美麗 讓妳帶走
從此以後 我再沒有
把我的悲傷 留給自己
妳的美麗 讓妳帶走
可不可以 妳也會想起我
是不是可以 牽妳的手呢
從來沒有 這樣要求
怕妳難過 轉身就走
那就這樣吧 我會了解的
把我的悲傷 留給自己
妳的美麗 讓妳帶走
從此以後 我再沒有
從此以後 我在這裡
日夜等待 妳的消息
能不能讓我 陪著妳走
即然妳說 留不住妳
無論妳在 天涯海角
是不是妳 偶爾會想起我
可不可以 妳也會想起我
Thursday, September 22, 2011
well it has been quite a while since i wrote my last entry which was before summer holiday started :) so now while waiting to do my psychology experiment, i decide to blog!!!!
thank you everyone(whom i guess would not be checking here) for celebrating my birthday :) i am really happy when i saw the cake and the candles...while i was busy counting the candles to make sure they got my age right (well i am getting old so a bit concerned...), i did not realise that they had bought trick candles which cannot be blown out..so poor me, had to keep blowing at the candle which keep resparkling into life >< well i just hope that when they eat the cake, they did not get my saliva together as flavorings..it would have tasted bad!!!! thanks for organizing a surprise :) people like kar chun, aden, jay, roger, hangcai, amanda, debbie, shinmei, marion and vkee <3
last sunday was my birthday and time seems to fly so fast, i remember that when i first came back to taiwan to study last year, the first sunday was also my birthday :) and i celebrated it with my dad, this time round, not only did i celebrate with my dad and my cousin, i also celebrated with my friends :) old and new!!! i got a lovely guitar from jonny and i will start learning it next week!!!
nowadays i am a bit annoyed because people around seems to have changed a bit, or perhaps it is that i come to expect too much of others...anyway i decide to ignore them and just stick to people whom i concern and whom concern me :)
yay!!! tomorrow i am going somewhere fun :) to release sky lanterns and also see the waterfall with friends :) time to log off!!!
thank you everyone(whom i guess would not be checking here) for celebrating my birthday :) i am really happy when i saw the cake and the candles...while i was busy counting the candles to make sure they got my age right (well i am getting old so a bit concerned...), i did not realise that they had bought trick candles which cannot be blown out..so poor me, had to keep blowing at the candle which keep resparkling into life >< well i just hope that when they eat the cake, they did not get my saliva together as flavorings..it would have tasted bad!!!! thanks for organizing a surprise :) people like kar chun, aden, jay, roger, hangcai, amanda, debbie, shinmei, marion and vkee <3
last sunday was my birthday and time seems to fly so fast, i remember that when i first came back to taiwan to study last year, the first sunday was also my birthday :) and i celebrated it with my dad, this time round, not only did i celebrate with my dad and my cousin, i also celebrated with my friends :) old and new!!! i got a lovely guitar from jonny and i will start learning it next week!!!
nowadays i am a bit annoyed because people around seems to have changed a bit, or perhaps it is that i come to expect too much of others...anyway i decide to ignore them and just stick to people whom i concern and whom concern me :)
yay!!! tomorrow i am going somewhere fun :) to release sky lanterns and also see the waterfall with friends :) time to log off!!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
been wanting to post this entry many days ago..but i never really knew how to go about writing it until now...
夜黑夜寂寞的夜里 气生气对自己生气
sometimes i wonder if i should be so foolish, every lonely night i start thinking of you...makes me wonder if you ever really think of me...why is it that every time i log onto facebook, i will always see your entries...when i keep promising myself i should not read..but in the end i still read...wanting to know more about you from a distance..but do you ever read the entries i posted...
我的声音在笑泪在飙电话那头的你可知道 世界若是那麽大为何我要忘你无处逃
我的声音在笑泪在飙电话那头的你可知道 世界若是那麽小为何我的真心你听不到
i am not sure if i had done so..but i always tried to help you when you needed help..and there is no one around to help you...i always tried to keep you in sight and when there is problem and no one can help you, i will..even though you never ever approached me for any help..you would rather ask the others and talk to others but remain silent with me...the more silent you are around me, the more i do not know how to approach you and the more distant we are from each other...but do you know how i feel really deep down in my heart??
現在也只能欣賞 唯一的合照一張 淡忘了的是那個街角 想念的是當時的微笑
once before i thought we were friendly with each other..but now merely silence left between us..i wonder what made us grew apart but i never really can find the answer..maybe i am the one who started being silent as we saw each other less last time...but now when we can see each other more...and when i start feeling for you...i can look at the photo we took before together and just think..without knowing how to make us closer again
如果有一天 我們再見面 時間會不會倒退一點 也許我們都忽略 互相傷害之外的感覺
如果哪一天 我們都發現 好聚好散不過是種遮掩 如果我們沒發現 就給彼此多一點時間
last night...i felt really bad..seeing you being so close to others while i sat near yet felt so far..and really even though i have done my best....even doing things that i thought would make you happy, i never got back a word of thanks or yup you never even bother to approach me and ask me if i want to join you guys for dinner..so maybe i think i should give up and let go...
時光是琥珀 淚一滴滴 被反鎖
情書在不朽 也磨成沙漏
青春的上游 白雲飛走 蒼狗與海鷗
閃過的念頭 潺潺的溜走
命運好幽默 讓愛的人都沉默
一整個宇宙 換一顆紅豆
回憶如困獸 寂寞太久 而漸漸溫柔
放開了拳頭 反而更自由
慢動作 繾綣膠卷 重播默片 定格一瞬間
我們在告別的演唱會 說好不再見
你寫給我 我的第一首歌
你和我十指緊扣 默寫前奏
還好我有 我這一首情歌
輕輕的輕輕哼著 哭著笑著
我的 天長地久
命運好幽默 讓愛的人都沉默
一整個宇宙 換一顆紅豆
回憶如困獸 寂寞太久 而漸漸溫柔
放開了拳頭 反而更自由
長鏡頭 越拉越遠 越來越遠 事隔好幾年
我們在懷念的演唱會 禮貌地吻別
你寫給我 我的第一首歌
你和我十指緊扣 默寫前奏
還好我有 我這一首情歌
輕輕的輕輕哼著 哭著笑著
我的 天長地久
陪我唱歌 清唱你的情歌
捨不得 短短副歌
心還熱著 也該告一段落
還好我有 我下一首情歌
生命宛如 靜靜的 相擁的河
永遠 天長地久
i will always try to be nice to you, but you never really know and understand...or even appreciate..maybe you take my niceness for granted and maybe even if i am not nice to you, maybe someone else will...so you will never ever wonder that one day i will be tired and i will no longer help you....maybe it does not mean anything to you....
i always wonder why is it that it is so difficult to find someone who will love me and whom i love as well..but my roommates told me last night that it IS difficult..so hard..sometimes happiness can be simple yet so far to reach....when can i ever write the love song with the person i love??
perhaps letting go is what i have to do now....i have so many nice friends around me and yes, probably you shall stay as a friend who is so distant that i may forget...the world's cruelest thing is that we may be so close physically but our hearts are so far apart...but i will have to bear with it...
changing an environment doesn't help..love never work out for me in singapore, korea and now even my last haven taiwan remain a place of heart-breaking...yet i know i have the support of friends and family members around me :)
夜黑夜寂寞的夜里 气生气对自己生气
sometimes i wonder if i should be so foolish, every lonely night i start thinking of you...makes me wonder if you ever really think of me...why is it that every time i log onto facebook, i will always see your entries...when i keep promising myself i should not read..but in the end i still read...wanting to know more about you from a distance..but do you ever read the entries i posted...
我的声音在笑泪在飙电话那头的你可知道 世界若是那麽大为何我要忘你无处逃
我的声音在笑泪在飙电话那头的你可知道 世界若是那麽小为何我的真心你听不到
i am not sure if i had done so..but i always tried to help you when you needed help..and there is no one around to help you...i always tried to keep you in sight and when there is problem and no one can help you, i will..even though you never ever approached me for any help..you would rather ask the others and talk to others but remain silent with me...the more silent you are around me, the more i do not know how to approach you and the more distant we are from each other...but do you know how i feel really deep down in my heart??
現在也只能欣賞 唯一的合照一張 淡忘了的是那個街角 想念的是當時的微笑
once before i thought we were friendly with each other..but now merely silence left between us..i wonder what made us grew apart but i never really can find the answer..maybe i am the one who started being silent as we saw each other less last time...but now when we can see each other more...and when i start feeling for you...i can look at the photo we took before together and just think..without knowing how to make us closer again
如果有一天 我們再見面 時間會不會倒退一點 也許我們都忽略 互相傷害之外的感覺
如果哪一天 我們都發現 好聚好散不過是種遮掩 如果我們沒發現 就給彼此多一點時間
last night...i felt really bad..seeing you being so close to others while i sat near yet felt so far..and really even though i have done my best....even doing things that i thought would make you happy, i never got back a word of thanks or yup you never even bother to approach me and ask me if i want to join you guys for dinner..so maybe i think i should give up and let go...
時光是琥珀 淚一滴滴 被反鎖
情書在不朽 也磨成沙漏
青春的上游 白雲飛走 蒼狗與海鷗
閃過的念頭 潺潺的溜走
命運好幽默 讓愛的人都沉默
一整個宇宙 換一顆紅豆
回憶如困獸 寂寞太久 而漸漸溫柔
放開了拳頭 反而更自由
慢動作 繾綣膠卷 重播默片 定格一瞬間
我們在告別的演唱會 說好不再見
你寫給我 我的第一首歌
你和我十指緊扣 默寫前奏
還好我有 我這一首情歌
輕輕的輕輕哼著 哭著笑著
我的 天長地久
命運好幽默 讓愛的人都沉默
一整個宇宙 換一顆紅豆
回憶如困獸 寂寞太久 而漸漸溫柔
放開了拳頭 反而更自由
長鏡頭 越拉越遠 越來越遠 事隔好幾年
我們在懷念的演唱會 禮貌地吻別
你寫給我 我的第一首歌
你和我十指緊扣 默寫前奏
還好我有 我這一首情歌
輕輕的輕輕哼著 哭著笑著
我的 天長地久
陪我唱歌 清唱你的情歌
捨不得 短短副歌
心還熱著 也該告一段落
還好我有 我下一首情歌
生命宛如 靜靜的 相擁的河
永遠 天長地久
i will always try to be nice to you, but you never really know and understand...or even appreciate..maybe you take my niceness for granted and maybe even if i am not nice to you, maybe someone else will...so you will never ever wonder that one day i will be tired and i will no longer help you....maybe it does not mean anything to you....
i always wonder why is it that it is so difficult to find someone who will love me and whom i love as well..but my roommates told me last night that it IS difficult..so hard..sometimes happiness can be simple yet so far to reach....when can i ever write the love song with the person i love??
perhaps letting go is what i have to do now....i have so many nice friends around me and yes, probably you shall stay as a friend who is so distant that i may forget...the world's cruelest thing is that we may be so close physically but our hearts are so far apart...but i will have to bear with it...
changing an environment doesn't help..love never work out for me in singapore, korea and now even my last haven taiwan remain a place of heart-breaking...yet i know i have the support of friends and family members around me :)
Friday, April 8, 2011
it has been a long time since i last blogged...
well certain things i try to forget and after such a long time, i think i know how to put it behind my back and move on...
anyway...alright after such a long while, the body starts to malfunction again...suffering from a sore throat right now and feeling not really good...mid-terms are in around a week's time and really feel unlucky to be sick now...
well never mind, i will hang in there...just like i have always done...no concern is fine by me...i am a big guy, i will self-heal without other's help...well when i am tired, i have to hang on myself..who will give me the encouragement or who will take care and be concern?? well i don't want my family folks to be worried...so i will just do my best to get myself right again....visit the doctor on monday is probably a good idea...
sometimes i wonder if i am a bad guy..i know i am terrible to be with..never nice..perhaps that's how i feel all the time...sometimes you wonder if being concern about others is good..maybe i should care more about myself, because ends up hurting myself all the time...being aloof is perhaps what i should learn..just do what i need to do and stop being foolish..my concern is never appreciated so what....maybe like that i would feel better if noone reciprocates the kindness..ha
like i say..i am the big brother..so i will hang on...i will stay cheerful and optimistic...when i am feeling low, just hide one corner and self-heal..that is probably the super power i should have now...no need radioactivity dust, i know i have already mastered this skill...
ok time to sleep...after waking up tmr, i shall be a strong man again
well certain things i try to forget and after such a long time, i think i know how to put it behind my back and move on...
anyway...alright after such a long while, the body starts to malfunction again...suffering from a sore throat right now and feeling not really good...mid-terms are in around a week's time and really feel unlucky to be sick now...
well never mind, i will hang in there...just like i have always done...no concern is fine by me...i am a big guy, i will self-heal without other's help...well when i am tired, i have to hang on myself..who will give me the encouragement or who will take care and be concern?? well i don't want my family folks to be worried...so i will just do my best to get myself right again....visit the doctor on monday is probably a good idea...
sometimes i wonder if i am a bad guy..i know i am terrible to be with..never nice..perhaps that's how i feel all the time...sometimes you wonder if being concern about others is good..maybe i should care more about myself, because ends up hurting myself all the time...being aloof is perhaps what i should learn..just do what i need to do and stop being foolish..my concern is never appreciated so what....maybe like that i would feel better if noone reciprocates the kindness..ha
like i say..i am the big brother..so i will hang on...i will stay cheerful and optimistic...when i am feeling low, just hide one corner and self-heal..that is probably the super power i should have now...no need radioactivity dust, i know i have already mastered this skill...
ok time to sleep...after waking up tmr, i shall be a strong man again
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