Sunday, September 7, 2008


another of my good friend has left again today...

went to see her off at the airport, she is going london to study law..

haha i will definitely miss her liveliness and energy around...

tmr..another of my good friend will be leaving too..for stanford...i don't know why so late but yeah....she is such a nice person who always encourage me and talk crap with now i have one less person to talk crap with..

i hate this season again when i have to endure the funniness of sending someone off..knowing that the chances of meeting up again is maybe only 1 out of 10

* month there will be somemore...=(

and i am already missing those who had already left....

alex, twinses, jiaqi....yanyi who just left this morning...urghh

and of course my friend in australia...whom i still miss dearly even though she has been there for 2 years already..

may fate bring us to meet again somewhere or somewhen in this world..

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